Sunday, September 19, 2010

in no relation to veganism...

The announcements have officially almost been mailed, so I can now post the engagement photos that were contenders for our announcements. All pictures were taken by Michael Stanfill, a local photographer and family friend, and you can check out his website for more of his amazing work. 

You can view the rest of our pictures at our wedding website. In about a week, I'll put some pictures up of our wedding announcements (I love them so much!), which were designed by a local graphic designer. 

Tomorrow=birthday picnic=recipe that I'm really excited about. 

1 comment:

  1. Blogging still is not important. But do I get a royalty check for all the times my possessions are photographed, baked, stirred, etc.? If so, then blogging is greatness.

    By the way, inappropriate blog title.

    - Sam Rogers
